Game On: Defined Twist Out on 4c Hair

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Defined twist out-main

Have you ever wondered how to get a defined twist out on 4c hair? Well, it’s Sunday, which means it’s game day!

Every naturalista has to consider the weather conditions when heading out for a day or night on the town.  Luckily, today in Tampa Bay, it’s a nice, sunny 78 degrees with a gentle breeze.  I mean, that’s perfect weather to catch a game while rocking a hi-def twist out! 

Not only did my team win, but this twist out stood up in the Florida sun and wind!  Check out the step-by-step details below: 

Defined twist out-product
Defined twist out-step 1

1. Detangle 1″ sections of hair by spraying with water and using a detangling brush to brush through the kinks. Be careful when detangling. Start from the bottom of your hair and work your way up to the root. It is common to have to detangle a section more than once; especially if you have type 4 hair.

Defined twist out-step 2
Defined twist out-step 3

2. Add 1-2 pumps of The Doux Mousse Def Texture foam throughout strands. Make sure to get the product throughout the hair.

3. Twist each 1″ section and twirl the last 1/2″ of hair.

Defined twist out-step 4
Defined twist out-step 5
Defined twist out-step 6

4. Cover with a satin scarf to dry. I like using the Grace Eleyae slap cap to cover my twists, but any satin or silk bonnet will do.

5. After hair is dry, gently separate each twist. I separated each twist 2 to 3 times. Less separation equals more definition.

6. Separate sections again and fluff until desired look.  Some naturals use a pic to fluff their roots; I use my fingers.

Defined twist out-final result
Defined twist out-game day
It’s a win for the Bucs!

And there you have it, a defined twist out on 4c hair! I’m ready to enjoy the Buccaneers game from box seats! I must be good luck because the Bucs won!

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