Headwrap: It’s a Wrap!

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Hello Beautiful Naturals,

Today, a headwrap/scarf  serves as a naturalista’s best friend! With origins in sub-Saharan Africa; the traditional headwrap has a deep-rooted history in African culture and spirituality.  In America, during the time of slavery, headwraps were used as a symbol of bondage, control and inferiority by white slave masters.  However, just as blacks turned the slop they were given to eat into delicacies (i.e. chitterlings, souse, cornbread) that many still enjoy today in the 21st century; headwraps too have evolved and once again represent a multitude of positive attributes such as pride, fashion, spirituality, and style.

The Value of the Wrap

So, you’re probably wondering how did the headwrap become a naturalista’s best friend.  Well, the answer is simple…through its versatility!  The versatility of the headwrap makes it a necessary staple in the stash of any naturalista.  I would coin it as an invaluable resource.  What makes the headwrap invaluable:

  1. It’s a lazy day lifesaver.  For example, you didn’t do your hair the night before and now you have somewhere important to be (date, grocery store, mall, business meeting, cookout, work) in a few minutes.  No problem! Pick out a nice outfit and a coordinating headwrap and you’re out the door in minutes!
  2. They are super stylish! Once you learn some basic wrapping techniques, you can rock a headwrap with anything (jeans, shorts, romper, dress, skirt, gown) for both formal and casual wear.
  3. And, my all time favorite: you’re not stuck in the house on wash day!  I deep condition my hair fairly often, so a headwrap allows me to have wet hair under a plastic cap, under a wrap and still go about my day all while deep conditioning my hair without anyone ever noticing.  All I get are compliments about how cute my wrap looks! 

So, the next time you’re feeling lazy about doing your hair, want to be super stylish, or need to go about your day while deep conditioning; don’t forget the versatility of your best friend, the headwrap!

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