Your Hair Isn’t Nappy, It’s BeYoutiful!

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Your hair isn’t nappy! Everyone’s hair texture is different. In a society obsessed with beauty; we often strive to meet a standard set by someone else. Our culture goes through great lengths (surgery, weight loss gimmicks, photo filters; etc.) to attain this false sense of beauty.

There is indeed a natural hair movement in progress; but we are still inundated with reflections of “beauty” that do not resemble the majority of the black population. Even natural hair products, vloggers, and brands typically only promote one type of naturalista; those with magical unicorn curls that are springy and carefree. Often giving false hope to women and girls considering embracing their natural hair texture. These hopefuls are usually filled with visions of curls like Tracee Ellis Ross, Yara Shahidi or Beyonce’s wig and then end up disappointed to find out that their hair just doesn’t do that. When some women find out that their hair texture is coarse; they abandon being natural all together, not understanding that the process to healthy, manageable natural hair is a journey.

Now, don’t get me wrong; there’s absolutely nothing wrong or negative about having “popping curls” or hair that’s naturally wavy; the problem is when it becomes the only advertised standard of beauty. Black natural hair is very diverse and should be accepted in all of its forms (straight, wavy, curly, kinky, type A, B, C, or Z).

Your Hair Isn’t Nappy

This past Christmas, my own teenage nephew commented that my daughter’s (who was wearing a puff similar to mine here) hair “looked nappy”. Needless to say, he got an earful from me and the rest of the family. Black people, stop telling other black people that their hair is “nappy”…we are our own worst enemy. Teach your children to know and do better than you have done. I know that this way of thinking is deeply ingrained in some of us and somewhat generational; but we have to start setting our own standards. No other group of people is asked to chemically alter their hair (with relaxers) or wear weaves/wigs to be accepted by the mainstream and nor should we. We are fighting a battle in our schools, workplaces, entertainment industry and more, but it is a fight that we can and will win.

You have no other choice, but to accept me as I am. How Natural Beauties, feel free to rock your afros, twist outs or wash-and-goes because your hair is beautiful the way it grows from your scalp. Don’t change you because your hair isn’t nappy, it’s beyoutiful!

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