Tools of The Trade: Must Haves For Every Natural

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Tools of the trade-main

Every aspect of life has those valuable set of tools of the trade! Natural hair is no exception. If you’re newly natural or have been natural for years; there are some tools of the trade that you should not live without!

The Satin Cap

  1. The Satin Cap…never sleep without it! If you want to retain moisture in your strands; always go to bed with a satin cap on or at minimum sleep on a satin pillowcase. You can find these from a number of local and online retailers for varying prices. The least expensive ones can be found at beauty supply stores and department stores (Walmart, Target). The Grace Eleyae slap cap is another option; since it’s made to be worn inside or outside.

Mist Sprayer

2. 360 Mist Sprayer.  This water bottle take misting your hair to a whole new level! The water comes out similar to the way spray comes out of an aerosol can.  You can find these at Sally Beauty for $6-$12, depending size and of course your geographical location ( some states are just ridiculously more expensive than others).  A regular spray bottle works too, but this one is a little more fun!

Tools of the trade-spray bottle

Detangling Brush

3. Felicia Leatherwood Detangler Brush. When I tell you my hair was never completely detangled until I started using this brush; believe me! This brush absolutely works wonders on type 4 hair! It can be found on the Felicia Leatherwood website. If you have type 1 , 2 or 3 hair; the Wet Brush works great and can be found at most retailers! (Walmart, Target, Walgreens, Ross, etc).

Hair Clips

4. Duckbill Clips. These little clips come in handy when detangling or styling your hair. They are used to keep to other sections of hair tucked out of the way until you’re ready to work on them. You can find them at most beauty supply stores and major retailers such as Target or Walmart. I use them almost every time I style my hair.

Tools of the trade-duckbill clips

Bobby Pins

5. Bobby Pins are a great addition to your natural hair collection. They can be used to create a style, hold your hair in place, stretch your hair or pin back your bangs so they appear shorter…just to name a few uses. I’m sure most you can probably think of 50 more ways to use the Bobby pin too. This is why it’s a must have!

Tools of the trade-bobby pins

Hair Ties

6. Large Hair Ties are necessary to create many updos and puffs. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect size for your hair, but once you do; it’s on and popping! These can be found at a variety of retailers and hair supply stores, but the best ones I’ve found have been from the Dollar Tree!

Tools of the trade-hair ties

Hair Dryer

7. Hooded Dryer. If you’ve read Natural Hair 101: Becoming Hair Goals, then I don’t have to explain the benefit of adding heat to your deep conditioning routine. Twenty minutes of sitting under a boded dryer will take your deep conditioning and the amount of moisture in your hair to a whole new level. A good handheld dryer with a diffuser attachment is also useful when you don’t have time to sit under a hooded dryer.

Tools of the trade-dryer

I use all of these tools often in addition to my hands. Fingers work better than hair picks sometimes. I cannot imagine a natural hair journey without any of these tools.  They are indeed the tools of my trade. How Natural Beauties, what are some other tools that make your natural hair journey a breeze that you just can’t live without? 

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