Baby Hair: How to Take Care of Your Child’s Natural Hair!

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How to take care of your child's natural hair

Ever wondered how to take care of your child’s natural hair? It is far too often that we spend a lavish amount of money taking care of our hair, but neglect the tender strands of our little ones. Their tiny locks need love too; maybe even more than ours. 

Thank God, if you haven’t resorted to relaxing your little one’s hair.  Shouldn’t they have the right to choose?  I know that this can be controversial. Feel free to click the link above to read my thoughts on relaxing children’s hair.

Your child’s hair needs just as much attention and care as yours.  I use both products that are catered specifically to children and quality products (no silicons, parabens, or heavy oils) that are not.  If you are using quality products in your hair, then those same products can also be used for your child’s hair.  In some situations, there is a need to buy age specific natural hair products, especially if your child is:

  1. Sensitive to fragrances 
  2. Has scalp issues 
  3. Has eczema

However, when there is a sale or a better bang for my buck on children’s hair products; I do indulge. One of my favorite brands of natural hair product lines that cater to children is Mielle Organics.  I follow the same routine on my girls hair that I use on my own hair:

  1. I wash their hair weekly or biweekly with a moisturizing shampoo.
  2. After I rinse out the shampoo; I apply a rinse out conditioner.
  3. I deep condition their hair for at least 20 minutes by applying a deep conditioner and then covering it with a plastic cap.
  4. After I rinse out the deep conditioner; I towel dry and detangle their hair in sections, add a nickel sized amount of leave-in conditioner to each section and brush it through with a detangling brush.
  5. I then apply a dime sized amount of a styler to each section of hair, ensuring that it is on all strands by brushing through with a detangling brush.
  6. Once hair is moisturized, I style it (braids, ponytail, twists, etc.).

I hope that you find these tips on how to take care of your child’s natural hair helpful. If you put in the time now, your little one’s hair will flourish and they will not experience the same struggles that you may have had to endure with your natural hair journey. Just as you want to pave a way for your children financially; you can also start their hair journey off right and they’ll be hair goals in no time! How Natural Beauties, how do you take care of your baby’s hair?

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